Map Software Features
Various interactive maps can be created for different purposes by utilizing tools in iMapBuilder map software. With HTML5 technology, maps are cross platform support that are viewable on desktop, Mac, tablet and mobile devices. Check our latest feature list to get more ideas on the possibility of the software.

Add or Import Locations
You can drop pins on map, add cities from the list in map software or plot points using latitude and longitude coordinates to indicate location. You can use our default map icons or import your own custom icons

Create Choropleth Map
Perform data visualization geographically with choropleth map. Statistical data would be presented as color progression in this type of thematic map. Create your own choropleth map using our map software and embed into website or export to image for powerpoint presentation and printed materials.

Create Responsive Maps
With responsive options, you can embed the map into responsive website and it will automatically resize to fit your layout when you are viewing in different mobile/tablet devices.

Map Highlight
Regional maps can be made easily for presentation. Highlight countries on a map with attractive colors or group states according to your needs. This enrich your maps by this interactivity feature to provide visualize effect.

Map with Legend
The legend on a map explains information effectively. To let your readers understand the meanings of symbols and colors used. It can be used to describe data range for a heat map.

Interactive Legend
The category legend allows you to filter different category items effectively especially when you have massive objects on the map. Let your readers to show or hide individual/multiple categories items with interactive map legend.

Map Annotation
Just one click to enable map labels for country names or administrative divisions for building a labeled map. You may customize the labels with country or region names or it's abbreviation easily.

Draw Route on Map
Draw lines on map to depict travel route, directions of an itinerary and flight route for airline company. Waypoints with speech bubble can be further added to display information.

Maps Infowindow
An infobox or tooltip can be used to show information or description of a location. Enrich your clickable map with photo or even embed a video is possible. You can add mouseover infowindow on almost all the map regions and overlays (e.g. markers, lines, curves, custom regions etc)

Create Map Chart
Simple graphical representation of data can be made using bubble chart and pie chart on maps. Getting a comprehensive know-how of your geographical data. You can show your data for each region with bubble or pie chart together with interactive feature like mouseover popup box.

Share Interactive Maps in One Click
Quickly share an interactive map with just a few clicks. You can upload it to our iMapBuilder Cloud Server or your own web hosting, you can also copy and paste our embed code to add the interactive map to website or various blog easily. Share your map easily using social network buttons (facebook, twitter, google plus) with just a few clicks.
Who uses iMapBuilder?
Paul LaRue, a high school teacher at Washington Court House City Schools in Ohio, has been using iMapBuilder with his social studies students. The map was later published on the county's travel and tourism Web site. "It's great to see students take ownership of technology and create something that actually has a purpose to it," said LaRue.